Helping You Gently, Easily & Naturally Overcome

Your Menopausal Symptoms & Reconnect With Your Body


Relationships are fundamental to all aspects of your life. In your younger years, you learned how to relate to people by observing your caregivers and mimicking how they interact. Eventually you were influenced at school by your teachers, your friends and their caregivers. It is possible you may not have learned the most appropriate communication skills, which may be causing you distress right now.

Every day you experience a variety of relationships, whether at home with your family and loved ones, with your friends, at work with your managers, co-workers and employees, and with strangers you meet throughout your day-to-day life.

Due to other distractions, stress and pressure, you may find that sometimes you don’t listen as well as you could, or you respond from emotions rather than logic. Sometimes you may overreact, fail to express your thoughts and emotions in the most appropriate way or even feel unable to respond. Miscommunications and arguments can leave you feeling frustrated, rejected, disappointed and even angry. This can create challenges in the way you relate to others – something you can learn to manage – and the way they relate to you, over which you have no control. But it all begins with the relationship you have with yourself.

Resolving relationship issues is like peeling an onion, uncovering the different layers of coping mechanisms and protection you have shrouded yourself with. It is crucial to uncover each layer to expose the reason you created it, and then transform those long-held unconscious beliefs that don’t serve you. As a Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT®️) practitioner, I can help you do that.

So if you are ready to have authentic and fulfilling relationships, please contact me today for a free exploration call to learn how I can help you.

Arkansas | United States

Tel: +1 501-491-0177

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