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Carrying excess weight can be extremely harmful to your health and your psyche. Physically, it can affect your joints, your heart and your health, but emotionally it impacts your self-esteem, your confidence and the way you feel about yourself.

Food cravings can be a real challenge to overcome, especially refined carbohydrates containing high levels of sugar, salt and trans-fats. In the brain, excess sugar impairs both our cognitive skills and our self-control. For many people, having a little sugar stimulates a craving for more. Sugar has drug-like effects in the reward center of the brain, similar to addictive drugs like opioids. Scientists have proposed that sweet, salty and fatty foods, can produce addiction-like effects in the human brain. This causes a loss of self-control, overeating, and subsequent weight gain.

Excess weight is often caused from these poor food choices found in fast foods, processed and pre-packaged meals. These foods always contain high levels of sugar, fat and salt. They are tasty, but do not satisfy our appetites. This and leave us craving more, thereby causing over-eating and weight gain. Furthermore, these foods can leave you feeling sluggish and low energy, thereby reducing any desire or will to exercise.

But the reason you crave and eat these foods is usually due to an underlying event that precipitated this behavior, that you are not consciously aware of. This is why most people who want to shed excess pounds, find themselves yo-yo dieting, dropping then regaining, dropping then regaining, like a hamster on a wheel with no end in sight. You may drop the weight, but so far you have not been successful at keeping it off long-term. That's because you haven’t uncovered the true reason why you are keeping this weight.

As a Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT®️) practitioner, I can help you access the reason for this behavior, release and transform the emotions around your body image and food choices and create a new and empowering experience for you. You can learn to love your body, eliminate excess weight, restore your health and feel in control around any food.

Please contact me today for a free exploration call to learn how I can help you.

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