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Trauma is a trapped emotional energy that has not been processed. Most people think of Post Traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD) as something that only military veterans suffer from. But this is not the case. Trauma doesn’t have to be a war or extreme event. Verbal abuse, such as repeated harsh, critical, demeaning words and insults can inflict trauma on another.

PTSD is the most well-known form of trauma. It is caused by a response to a single event, like a car accident or loss of a loved one.

Complex PTSD develops from sustained trauma, like physical or sexual abuse, where there is on-going exposure to a traumatic event.

Trauma can have a long-term impact on your brain, affect your relationships, physical and emotional health, and impact in your quality of life. You may experience: an inability to regulate your emotions or control your anger; an over-reaction to criticism or judgment; difficulty connecting; poor organizational skills and absent-mindedness, overwhelm or feeling out of control.

This is because you have not had the ability or opportunity to process and release the emotions around the event. Hence, every time something reminds you of the emotion of the event you become triggered, as if your body is stuck in fight or flight mode. That’s because the energetic essence and beliefs you have created around the trauma still remains in your body and has not been addressed.

If you have experienced trauma and are ready to release these stuck emotions from your life, please reach out today to learn how I can help you. As a Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT®️) practitioner, I can help you process, release and transform these emotions, so you can live with a sense of freedom once again.

Please contact me today for a free exploration call to learn how I can help you.

Arkansas | United States

Tel: +1 501-491-0177

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